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Chile Sotheby's
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Características del inmueble
Superficie total | 9 ha |
Tipo de campo | - |
Acceso | - |
Distancia al asfalto | 0 km |
Forma del terreno | - |
In Chile, Los Lagos Region, is Carelmapu, an old fisherman town, full of traditions and with a privilege location. Located on the coast of the continent ,an hour away from cities such as Puerto Varas and PuertoMontt, it has been gaining a relevant name in the región. Over the years, surfers have been finding this place as a mandatory destination to practice Surf.
Mar Brava, white sand beach, 10 kms long, where world-class waves form, considered the southermost of the continent, the last spot of surf. It borders with the beaches of the Pacific Ocean, with a unique landscape that provides opportunities to practice ecological and sustainable tourism.
Only an hour of paved road from the airport to the town, and 2 kms of gravel road in very good condition from the entrance of the town until the estate.
It is part of a priority site for conservation, which presents a wide biological diversity. Aplace of gathering around the field and sea. Enjoy the purity of its landscapes, beaches surrounded by forests and its maritime riches.
The property has 8,1 hectares with 150 meters of ocean front with white sand beaches, where you can find one of the best waves for surfing in Chile.
Publicación #1480471703
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